Tuesday 3 May 2016

Final Submission

Parallel projections
36 custom textures

The two concepts

Eisenman: intersecting planes and created spaces
Van Eyck: sequentiality and porosity


Parallel projection

Draft model


Electroliquid aggregation
A light rail stop which aims for technological innovation must do so with the interests and needs of the end clients in mind, as well as the existing infrastructure. A building which integrates and intersects with the surrounds is constructed for both commuters and the general public, creating a sequence of spaces and transport infrastructure that consider how the new can successfully interact with the old.

Final SketchUp


Final Lumion

Curvilinear stop detail

With an increase of the use of technology on the go, shaded spaces and seating areas for commuters to attend to their technological needs are key.

The rectilinear stop represents the 'old' - solid, heavy, consistent and formal. However, as technology continues to develop and advance, we can begin to 'open up' new opportunities.

Much like how technology continues to proliferate and expand, the new working with the old, the circulation elements of the light rail stop are viral, the curving forms seeping into the opposing rectilinear ones.

Circulation detail

Lumion files: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwbhPB9Vq3guWEphTXNnNGhLeEE

From SketchUp Warehouse:
Wharton Digital Wall Clock LED - Baltus

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